Wednesday, January 24, 2007

P4E.004 Cockney Rhyming

You may have heard of "cockney rhyming." It's a sort of rhyming slang/code in the UK. You replace a word with a phrase that rhymes with the word. Many times there is a relationship between the word and the phrase that further identify them with each other. Here's a couple of examples: For the word 'believe' you might say "Adam and Eve" as in "Would you Adam and Eve it?" For "money" you might say "bees and honey" as in "Can you loan me some bees and honey?"

That said, it's interesting what the cockney rhyming is for the word "wife." There are several as follows: "carving knife," "drum and fife," "Duchess of Fife," "storm and strife," "struggle and strife," "trouble and strife," "war and strife," "worry and strife." Can you relate? It seems that every culture imparts to its men similar attitudes towards wives.

The problem is this: "There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."(Prov. 14:12) We also have to deal with this: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord" (Isa 55:8) This means that the way we men are naturally inclined to view our wives is not the way God views them. We see "struggle and strife," but He created "help."

By the way, there is another, less used, cockney rhyme for wife. It's "love of my life." I like that one.

Peace, Kim

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