Monday, April 11, 2011

P4E.209 Blaue Blume Moments

Every time I think I'm over my cloud fascination another incredible cloud-filled day comes along...and I'm pursuing the Blue Flower again!

They're water vapor...

Reflecting the sun...

Filtering light...

Changing and moving...

Creating shade and shadow...


And providing a glimpse into the Heart of God...

Capturing that fleeting feeling of connecting with Him...
The one you wish would stay forever...
And someday will...

(These pictures were all taken with my Droid Incredible phone!)
This post is shared with L.L Barkat's
On In Around button

and Laura Boggess'


  1. I hope you never get over your cloud fascination :). Kim, I think these are masterpieces. Do you think you can print me a canvas? Wouldn't seeing this everyday lift a person? So lovely. So, so lovely.

  2. These cloud photos are wonderful! And the sky is so blue! You have a great phone! But how even monumentally greater is our God to have given us such masterpieces, ever changing yet always based on his underlying principles. So many things we see to cause us to give glory and praise to God.

  3. Laura - I don't think I ever will get over it! You're welcome to copy the picture(s) you like! You're right. What I'm beginning to realize is that He is everywhere I look and everything of His is uplifting!

    kingfisher - I agree! What's amazing is that I took every one of these pictures in my front yard. It is a reminder that the evidence of our great God is everywhere. Blessings!

  4. I'm fascinated with cloud formations, too, and I like pointing them out to my kids esp. when we're driving and they're scuffling in the car and I try to divert their attention...but alas, now they are getting too old for that "scheme". I, however, still enjoy looking at the clouds and continue to point them out-- because they truly are interesting. Your photos are beautiful!

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment on my post. I appreciate what you said about "approach and retreat"-- I hadn't thought of approaching fears in that way; thank you for that.

  5. Goodness. With a phone? Amazing :)

    You are just the brave man, btw. (Regarding your question at Seedlings. :)

  6. Ever since I moved to Nebraska I've been obsessed with the clouds and sky here. There is just so much of it -- the sunsets and sunrises and the cloud formations themselves are awesome.

    Love that we are on the same wavelength today!

  7. I also have a cloud fascination

    These are amazing photos.

  8. Anna - I'm thinking that it would be really fulfilling to do a proper study of clouds. Glad you stopped by! Please come back soon.

    Graceful - It is wonderful to stop and appreciate the grandeur of God...

  9. These are absolutely awesome! I've always loved watching the clouds and looking for art in them.

    To answer your question on my blog, I edit my photos in Picasa, and there is an option to imbed text there--click on create. I'm sure there's a better way, but I'm just a beginner. :)
